Posts Tagged ‘aliens’

Osoni-we and the Cube--FULL RES PNG_v06_35pctTangent review (, April 2012):

“Lonely, Lonely is about a planet whose inhabitants are all mentally linked, and what happens when their planet become a battleground by other forces.  This sort of mental interplay is difficult to pull off, but Daniel P. Swenson comes up with a strongly plotted story about sacrifice and victory.”

Short story originally published in science fiction magazine Lore 2.1 (vol. 2, no. 1).

In the short story, Lonely, Lonely, members of a race evolved for war contend for supremacy on a new planet. Can the planet’s native species survive as their home becomes a battlefield? Lonely, Lonely explores one possible endpoint on the trajectory of warfare and how individuals might bridge even the deepest of chasms.

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